Questions on Knowing

Fifteen years ago I wrote down a few questions, mostly regarding faith and science.

  • What does the Bible say about epistemology?
  • What are the reasons for believing the Bible is true?
  • Is there any other system of belief that is equivalent to the Bible’s moral teachings?
  • Does science, in fact, contradict the Bible?
  • Can science be wrong?
  • Can the Bible be wrong?
  • Is it possible to reconcile the question of origins between the Bible and science?
  • Does Gen 1:28 give validity to scientific investigation?
  • What is science and the scientific method?
  • What are the (epistemological) limits of the scientific method?
  • What are the limits of Biblical hermeneutics?
  • If Genesis is taken as poetic/figurative is harm done to the truth/validity of other Bible teachings?
  • Can we scientifically reconcile an old universe, new earth view?
  • Can we Biblically reconcile and old universe, new earth view?
  • Can the evening-morning sequences in Genesis possibly refer to something other than 24-hour days.
  • Does the God-centric frame of reference in Genesis 1-2 make a difference in our understanding of time measures?
  • Are there other interpretations of radiometric measurements that can be reconciled with a young earth?
  • How good is the evidence for a global deluge?
  • Are there any scientific observations that truly point to a young earth–such as Gentry’s Polonium halos?
  • Can the observance of speciation be the result of a post-fall decline of nature?
  • Is the concept of irreducible complexity, as put forward by Michael Behe, a valid refutation of evolution?
  • Can there be a scientific explanation for the instant long-distance communication implied in Dan 9:23?
  • Is theistic evolution reconcilable with the Bible?
  • Can we scientifically establish the efficacy of the Gospel in changing the lives of people?
  • Can faith be shown to be linked to actual outcomes?
  • Can it be shown that prayers are answered?
  • Can we scientifically establish that the consistency of Bible writers is a near impossibility?
  • Can Christianity be confirmed as a cause for superior physical, or mental, health?
  • Is antediluvian genetic experimentation a plausible explanation for the dinosaurs?
  • Does atheism enhance scientific achievement?
  • How do non-Biblical religions reconcile with scientific observations?
  • Does Genesis truly imply an ex nihilo creation?
  • Does the creation ex nihilo include every aspect of the cosmos, not just matter?
  • Does a pre-existent creator imply other universes, or some similar notion?

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